Once the acceptance of the proposals has been communicated to the authors, the deadline for the submission of virtual papers will be opened. To do so, a video of up to 15 minutes in length must be recorded and uploaded to the platform provided on the conference website.

Follow the instructions below for virtual participation:

1. Video Recording

The video should be recorded using one of the following techniques:

– *Direct presentation to the camera without visual aids*
– *Combined presentation*: speaking to the camera accompanied by slides on screen.

While not mandatory, it is recommended that all authors of a paper participate in its video defense.

Videos that contain only written text will not be accepted: a “human presence,” either in video or audio, is required.

Please record the video in landscape format. (IMPORTANT: especially if you record the video with a smartphone, since if you do it vertically, YouTube interprets it as a short video and it will not work)

It’s essential to ensure good audio quality, so choose a location with low reverberation and minimal ambient noise.

The video should be between 5 and 15 minutes long.

2. Uploading the Video to a YouTube Account*

After recording the video with the technical tools of your choice (Meet, Zoom, Teams, etc.), it must be uploaded to a personal YouTube account with the visibility set to public (otherwise, the video will not be embedded in the platform, though it can still be accessed via the provided link).

Since all congress content will remain accessible online for a year after the event, we recommend keeping the video of your presentation online for at least three months to ensure its dissemination. If you wish, you can leave the video available indefinitely so that search engines can index it, making it accessible and useful for others.

If your video is blocked on YouTube due to copyright issues (it’s important not to use copyrighted music or long video clips), you can upload it to another platform. However, in such cases, the video will not be embedded on the site.

* If you do not have a YouTube account, you can easily create one. Remember that Gmail accounts automatically come with a YouTube account.

How to create a YouTube account

3. Uploading the Video to the Congress Website

The “responsible author” (the author who submitted the abstract and linked the other authors) will be responsible for adding the video link to the congress website (the video file itself will not be uploaded, just the link).

The responsible author should:

1. Access the form for their presentation.

2. Add the YouTube video link to the form.

3. Check in Draft Presentation, if the video is visible.

4. Click the “Publish” button to update the presentation’s details.

4. Verification

Access the symposium you are participating in, locate your presentation, and click on it. You will see the summary, and if the process was completed correctly, you will see a window with your presentation video. If there is some problem contact with Organization.