Uso de bacterias oxidadoras de metano como alternativa a otras tecnologías para el ahorro de agua y la reducción de la contaminación atmosférica con metano en un contexto de sequías en el África Subsahariana como consecuencia del calentamiento global
Bacterias metanotrofas: alternativa para ahorrar agua y reducir contaminación en África Subsahariana
Questions and comments to the author/s

October 24, 2024 at 8:48 pm
Dear Pamela,
Very challenging and important project. Climatic change should be one of the top priorities in the political level. It is like this in countries such as Denmark, but unfortunately it is not in most countries.
I wish you great success in your PhD, with the hope that the results of your dissertation would be translated in real political actions.
Best wishes,
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October 25, 2024 at 9:14 am
Dear Pamela, thanks for your interesting presentation. I have seen some connections with some work that it is being done in Ethiopia regarding the quality of water and the animals of the ecosystem. I am wondering if it would be interesting for you to meet these colleagues from BOKU University in Vienna (Austria). Please, feel free to reflect on that and to reach me out! Moreover, I encourage you to follow your research line and to enjoy this path. I am sure you will succeed! Best, FCL
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